
First time DUI conviction

Posted by John Callahan | May 14, 2016 | 0 Comments

If I am convicted of my first DUI, what will my punishment be?
As a seasoned DUI attorney, I often have new clients who come into my office who are facing their first DUI offense. Often they ask what will happen to them if they are found guilty of their first DUI.  If the DUI was in Illinois, the consequences are serious but can be mitigated if you receive court supervision which is not a conviction.  You need an experienced DUI lawyer to help you beat your case or at least obtain court supervision.
The consequences of a conviction of a DUI are harsh. A first-time DUI is classified as a Class A misdemeanor, which means you can be imprisoned for up to 364 days or face a fine up to $2,500. The Illinois Secretary of State will also revoke your license for a minimum of one year. In addition, automobile liability insurance companies will have access to the driving records of Illinois motorists convicted of a traffic offense, and this means that your insurer may drop you or will hike your rates up.  If you have been arrested for a DUI outside of Illinois, you face the possibility of the Secretary of State treating your first DUI as a conviction which will revoked your license.
The harsh punishments you may face are all the more reason to hire an experienced DUI attorney like those at John W. Callahan, Ltd. and fight the DUI charge. We have seen thousands of DUI cases over the years, and with the experience and knowledge that we have, we can come up with a defense that best suits your case and will give you the best chance at beating the charge.
If you are facing a DUI charge in the state of Illinois and want to be represented by, feel free to contact the DUI law firm John W. Callahan, Ltd. at any time.
–Posted by DUI lawyer John W. Callahan

About the Author

John Callahan

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You may also never get a second chance to preserve your freedom if faced with criminal or DUI charges. If you are currently facing criminal charges, contact the law offices of John W. Callahan to protect you, your rights and your freedom. ...


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